Thursday, January 9, 2020


"Wow, what a great, insightful conversation!"
"Wait, when did I have a conversation?"
"Just now. :-) Don't worry, your subconscious and I ran the whole thing for you."
"And what did I end up saying?"
"I don't remember, but the person you were talking to kept making confused faces."

Friday, October 25, 2019



"I just hope that today, of all days, the cashier doesn't try to start a conversation."
"Oh, relax!  What could they have to comment about?  You're only buying like ten bags of candy!  (For your own selfish consumption.)"
"Oh wow, that's a lot of candy!  Are you having a party?"
"Psst!  Um...Fred?  What now?"
"You know, laughter is always socially acceptable!"
"AHAHahahAhahaHAHAha hahahaHAhaHahaha heheHAHAHA"

Friday, July 5, 2019

Say What Now


*minding my own business at event*
*a wild stranger appeared!*
"Oh I know you!"
*Tarva used Echolalia*
"Oh I know you!"
"Who was that?"
"I have no idea, I can't do faces.  ...did I just repeat exactly what she said?"
*it's super effective!*

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Not So Secret

"Ooh...yes, a dark corner to recharge in!"
"Hey!  Somebody found your hiding spot!  I bet they start talking to you now!"
"What are YOU doing in here?  Don't you want to go hang out?"
"Called it..."

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


"It's for you."
"I think you're supposed to say 'hi'..."

Fun fact: back when phones had just recently become available to the public, no one was sure which greeting should be used when you pick up.  "Ahoy", as in the sailor's greeting, was briefly considered before they finally settled on "hello".  This is a relevant fun fact because of the title of this blog post. :-]