Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I Thought I'd Finally Figured Out How Nonverbals Work But I Guess Not: an autobiography by me

sign of "please leave me alone"
also a sign of "please leave me alone"
"Hey, what you reading?  You like music, huh?"
"Hey!  Hey, talk to them!  They're trying to be friendly!  Show some interest and appreciation!"
"...well, it's a start...we'll work more on the sincerity for next time..."


[And now, a public service announcement in case you were feeling overwhelmed by too much humor and not enough boring. :-]
For those of you who have longer social-battery-lives, I know that you might sometimes listen to music or read books to start a conversation, but others use them as emergency rations for the antisocial soul, since we've been told that they're a good way to get people to go somewhere else if they want to talk to someone.
Now don't get me wrong, I looove talking about my favorite books or music, and I can, on occasion, go on for hours about them (more on that eventually in a later post), but 99.9% of the time I've got the headphones on and the book open because it's the closest thing I can get to a recharge at the moment (aside from being rude and leaving the stressful situation).
This concludes the public service announcement.  Please enjoy the rest of your flight.]

Monday, January 21, 2019

All the world's a stage...

"Hey, look, someone's coming to talk to you!  Now you can test out that conversational script we've been working on!"
"Pretty well!  And you?"
"I honestly wouldn't mind dying right now...they didn't follow the script..."
"oooooOOOOO hoo hoo hoo, that was PERFECTION!  Let's go try it again!"

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Magic in the Hair Tonight

"Hair gotten a bit long, huh?"
"Sure has."
"Gonna get it cut soon?"
"Why wouldn't you?"
"I like being able to see other people without them seeing me."
"You can't just get away with doing that."
"Oh yeah?  Watch me."